Video Quality Evaluation Method by Three-Layered Noise Weighting Based on Human Visual Properties 符合人眼视觉特性的视频质量三层噪声加权评价方法
In view of the big noise and limited handling ability of large expanse of wild value in the existing Data Appraisal Function Weighted Method, this paper proposes a multi-sensor data weighting fusion method which combines the M-estimate and the uncertainty appraisal. 提出M估计与不确定度评定相结合的多传感器数据加权融合方法,克服了现有的数据评价函数加权法中存在的大噪声及成片野值处理能力的局限性。
Applying measurement noise automatic weighting kalman filter to the guidance of line-guidance torpedo, we compromised target information and torpedo information, which in turn come from sonar of guidance station and inertial measurement units of torpedo. 将多传感器量测噪声自动加权卡尔曼滤波应用在线导鱼雷制导中,融合来自制导站声纳测量到的目标信息和来自鱼雷惯性测量组件的鱼雷位置和姿态等信息进行了仿真研究。
Some new methods for reducing the multiplying noise in the digital images, which are mainly the one of weighting and adding methods, are proposed, after that the characteristics of the noise is studied. 本文通过研究数字图象中乘性噪声的特点,提出了以加权相加为主的一些抑制方法。
On the basis of which, the weighting networks and weighting functions of interference noise power are obtained. And Finally, the method for evaluating the protection ratios is given, in which, the weighting functions and formulae derived in [ 2] are utilized. 在此基础上,得出了干扰噪声功率的加权网络与加权函数,最后,给出了利用这些加权函数和文献[2]中导出的公式估算防护比的方法。
The FLAC monitor if the residual is zero-mean white noise and adjust the exponential weighting of filter, then the filter perform optimally. The extended KALMAN filter ( EKF) is modified using the fuzzy logic Adaptive system, and compared with the performance of a regular EKF. FLAC通过监视残差是否为零均值白噪音,然后根据模糊规则调整滤波器的指数加权,从而使滤波器不断执行最优估计。
When interferometric stripe is thick and correlation window is small, it would restrain noise at edge of interferometric stripe and obtain better co registration effect using orient weighting correlation coefficient. 基于方向加权的相关系数进行配准,在干涉条纹密集、相关窗口较小时,可以抑制干涉条纹边缘的噪声,得到更好的配准效果。
Several algorithms of image sequence to eliminate noise are given, a recursive weighting algorithm adapted for image smoothing of X-ray TV is proposed, and the effects of its roundoff noise on the image quality in hardware realization are described. 本文分析了序列图象的各种消噪声技术,提出了适合于X-TV图象的递归加权算法,并讨论了在实现过程中舍入运算对图象质量的影响。
According to the modeling of additive noise as α stable distribution process and the degeneration of traditional second order statistics based time delay estimation method under α stable distribution environments, a novel robust time delay estimation method is proposed based on ROTH weighting. 通过对附加噪声的α稳定分布建模,针对传统的基于二阶统计量的时间延迟估计方法在α稳定分布噪声环境下的退化现象,提出基于ROTH加权的韧性时间延迟估计新方法。
Results of computer simulations about satellite distortion, noise, range migration correction, azimuth weighting are given. 同时给出了卫星姿态扰动、量化、噪声对原始回波数据产生的影响的模拟结果,以及距离迁移校正、方位加权对信号处理的模拟结果。
To avoid noise overestimates in the weak speech regions following strong speech, a projecting smoothing method which makes more accurate SNR estimate available for smoothing factor and weighting factor calculations is proposed. 算法中的加权函数和平滑因子都通过一个预先估计的信噪比来计算。为了避免在强语音后的弱语音区域出现噪声过估计,在信噪比估计中采用投影平滑算法。
This method includes the following steps: pre-processing, noise filtering, sentences weighting and summary generation. 该方法包括预处理、噪声过滤、句子权值计算和文摘生成等步骤。
This method uses right matrix fraction description model of FRF in discrete time domain. The noise covariance matrix is adopted as weighting function. 该方法采用离散时间域中频响函数右矩阵分式模型,使用噪声的协方差矩阵作为加权信息。